While Traci spent the whole night feeling very concerned about this realization, it led to me to a great discovery - Memo's personal website. It is so super awesome that you have to register as a Memo fan to get to see some of the stuff, so of course I registered. Plus you can read it in both English and Turkish.
Traci asked me if Memo thinks it's pretty sweet to be a rich man in the U.S. I am sure he does, but judging by the looks of his Turkish supermodel wife, things were probably pretty good in the homeland as well.
Memo loves pictures. Here's one from his anniversary:

Check out those roses! Memo, you so romantic.
And that's not all. You could also have this Memo glamour shot as the wallpaper on your personal computer:

Let it be known that I counted and I am older than 8 of 13 players on the team. At least Matt Harping is older than me.
Harpring- I mean Harpring.
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