Our kids’ school always struggles to get parents to help out
with activities. But not on zoo day. For parents, the field trip to Hogle Zoo
is pretty much the sweetest volunteer assignment there is – the school bus
takes care of the transportation and the animals take care of the entertainment.
Plus you get to spend a day outside in the sun with your kid.
And I was lucky enough to land the gig.
But it turns out, it’s a tougher task than I thought. Each
parent was given a group of kindergartners to keep an eye on. For me that meant
Tate, a boy I’ll call Horatio, and girls who we’ll call Miffy and Biffy.
Here’s a quick look at our day together.
Before we got on the
Miffy: Biffy, do you want some
sparkle chapstick? Here, have mine.
Biffy: Yay! I love sparkle
Miffy: I want it back. [Grab!] My
mom says I can’t give away my chapstick.
Biffy: [Wailing] Miffy took my
chapstick awaaaaaaay!
On the bus
Miffy: I’ve never been on the bus
Me: Pretty cool, huh?
Miffy: No. I’m skeeeered. [Waaaaaaaail.]
Me: You’re not scared. Stop
Biffy: [Bawling] Miffy keeps touching
Me: Miffy, stop touching Biffy.
Biffy: [Bawling] Miffy’s not
touching me.
Five minutes after
arriving at the zoo
Miffy: I’m hungry.
Horatio: Me, too.
Biffy: [Bawling] I’m sooooo hungry.
Me: Lucky for you, I’ve got some
snacks for you guys.
Five seconds after
having our snack
Miffy: [Sees another group from her
class eating granola bars] I’m soooo hungry. Can I have a granola bar?
Me: No. You’re not really hungry. You just had a snack.
Five minutes later
Miffy: [Sees another group from her
class eating ice cream] Uhhhh. I’m sooooooo hot. It’s so hot out here.
Me: No it’s not. It’s 65 degrees.
Miffy: If only there was something that
could cool me down.
Me: I’m not buying you ice cream.
Miffy: But I’m sooooo hot.
Just about every
minute after
Me: Horatio, hurry up. Tate, over
here. Ladies, come on. Come back. Over here. Let’s go.
Biffy: [Bawling] Miffy’s being mean
to meeeeeee.
Miffy: [Bawling] Biffy’s bugging
Tate: I’m boooooored.
10 minutes before we
have to get back on the bus
Me: Girls, come back. Don’t run.
Biffy: [Trips and goes tumbling
down] Whaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Me: Are you okay?
Biffy: No! I need a band-aid here.
And here. And here and here. [Sob, sob, sob]
Could this day GET ANY WORSE?!
Me: I hear ya, Biffy. I hear ya.
The whole field trip only lasted about three hours but
somehow it felt much, much longer. I tip my hat to all of the teachers who deal
with 30 of these little rug rats all day, every day.
Nevertheless, it was nice to spend a few extra hours with my
favorite redheaded monster.