Album Reviews
Congratulations, MGMT - Though they've put out some great singles, this band--and this album especially--are pretty disappointing.
Pearly Gate Music, Pearly Gate Music - Both slow and mopey (a la David Bazan) and '60s hippie rocky. Pretty good.
Goodnight Dannii, Drew Danburry - Probably Provo dude's best record. He gives most of his music away for free at Check it out for sure.
Permalight, Rogue Wave - Rogue Wave get dancey on this one. Highly recommended.
The Last Place You'll Look EP, We Were Promised Jetpacks - The EP is okay, but not nearly as good as their debut LP. Start there.
Habits, Neon Trees - These Provo-ites are going to be the next big thing with their Killers-esque new wave.
Paramore - The phones at my work went dead the second I was supposed to do the interview. I ended up having to put my little recorder up to the ear hole of my cell phone. Nothing recorded, thus making it a bit tricky to pull quotes.
Drew Danburry - He's playing his last full-band show at Kilby tomorrow night if anyone wants to go with me.
1 comment:
1. Didn't realize Neon Trees is from Provo? I should be getting their new album soon, but the fact that they are from Provo is very disappointing to me.
2. New MGMT - What the heck? The first time I listened to their album, I couldn't even tell it was them. They totally dropped their signature sound. So, I was like, "Well, maybe I can like it for what it is?" Nope. I think this album sucks and sucks badly. I am so angry at MGMT right now I could just bite my pillow.
3. The new Rogue Wave is awesome. I liked their other stuff, especially Asleep at Heaven's Gate, but this one may be their best.
4. Agreed with you on WWPJ EP. It's alright, but does not compare to their album.
Will check out the other stuff.
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